rabies immunoglobulin


The Thai Red Cross Society




Full Prescribing Info
Purified equine antirabies horse serum.
COMPOSITION PER ML: Purified Equine Antirabies Horse Serum 200 IU, Amino acetic acid (Glycine) 10 mg, Sodium Chloride at least 240 mOsmol/kg, Carbolic acid (Phenol) not more than 2.5 mg.
TRCS ERIG is a sterile solution of serum (immunoglobulin) against rabies. It is a clear solution, colorless to light brown (During storage, the solution may be slightly opaque).
Prevention of rabies in patients who have been severely exposed to rabid animal or in those who are expected to be infected with rabies by single or multiple transdermal bites or scratches.
Antirabies serum alone is insufficient for the prevention of infection. Therefore, vaccination with rabies vaccine is required.
Dosage/Direction for Use
The maximum dose is 40 IU/kg of body weight in all patients, children and adult.
Antirabies serum should be injected as soon as possible after exposure. Infiltrate as much as possible into the depth of the wound and around the wound, although the wound is healed. The remainder of the calculated dose of RIG does not need to be injected IM at a distance from the wound. The injected amount should not exceed the maximum dose. However, if the calculated dose is insufficient for all injuries, sterile saline may be used to dilute 2-3 times to permit thorough infiltration.
In no cases should the dosage of the rabies immunoglobulin be exceeded because immunoglobulins may partially suppress active production of antibodies.
Special Precautions
Use with extreme caution in subjects with a history of allergic symptoms or hypersensitivity to horse serum. In such cases, the use of human antirabies immunoglobulin is preferable.
Since the antirabies serum is prepared from horse serum. Sensitization to heterologous protein may occur in some individuals. Skin test should be under physician consideration. Skin test performs by injection of 0.02 ml of 1:100 antirabies serum dilution intradermally on the volar surface of the forearm. The result observed 15 minutes later is considered to be positive if 10 mm diameter of wheal appears and the control is negative.
A positive test result should be considered as a warning and human antirabies immunoglobulin should be used in preference. If human antirabies immunoglobulin is not available, equine antirabies serum administration should be under observation by a physician.
A negative test result is not an absolute guarantee for the absence of an immediate allergic type reaction, it should be used with caution. The treating physician should be prepared to manage anaphylaxis. Patient should be observed at least 30 minutes after injection.
Skin test can not predict for delayed hypersensitivity.
In case of doubt, do not hesitate to ask the doctor for advice.
Use In Pregnancy & Lactation
No contraindication in pregnancy and lactation.
Side Effects
Mainly are immediately or delayed allergic type reactions.
Immediate reactions are anaphylactoid reactions with hypotension, dyspnea, rash or urticaria.
Delayed reactions consist of inflammatory reaction, fever, rash or urticaria, adenopathy and arthralgia.
Drug Interactions
Rabies vaccine should be inoculated in a different part of the body, e.g contralaterally. In this case interference is minimized.
Antirabies serum should be administered with different syringe from the vaccine.
Keep in tightly closed container and storage between 2-8°C (in a refrigerator), protect from light.
MIMS Class
Vaccines, Antisera & Immunologicals
ATC Classification
J06BB05 - rabies immunoglobulin ; Belongs to the class of specific immunoglobulins. Used in passive immunizations.
TRCS ERIG inj 200 IU/mL
2 mL x 10 × 1's;5 mL x 10 × 1's
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/thailand/image/info/trcs erig inj 200 iu-ml/5 ml?id=2b067b58-24a2-4de0-9d8f-b17e0087a83e
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